
Issue Briefs and One-Pagers

Our issue briefs summarize data, research and best practices for girls, especially those entering or at risk of entering the juvenile justice system. We provide policymakers, citizens and the media with the information they need to understand critical and emerging issues, and improve outcomes for Washington state girls and their communities.

Juvenile Justice, Child Welfare, and Housing One Pager (2021)

School Success, Safety, and Youth Development One Pager (2021)

Health/Mental Health, Wellness, and Violence Prevention One Pager (2021)

Washington State Girls* Fact Sheet on Violence, Mental Health and Well-being (2020)

Comprehensive Sexual Health Education Bill One-Pager (2020)

Find our March 2017 brief, System-Level Juvenile Justice Reforms for Girls, here.

Valid Court Order (VCO) Exception One-Pager


Safe Harbors One-Pager